About Us

Welcome to our website. The Ivy League Companies was established on March 20, 2020. The Company is a Digital Realestate Portfolio, meaning that the businesses are all online. The Company hold 20 online businesses in its Porfolio. They consists of amazon stores, shopify stores and business platforms.


Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Flying Monkeys III. “I’ll Get You, My Pretty” IV. “How Bout a Little Fire, Scarecrow” V. “Curses, Curses” VI. “Look What You’ve Done, I’m Melting, I’m Melting” VII. Excerpts from Twisted (To Purchase, Click Image)


Table of Contents I. Forward II. Listing of Hispanic Businesses III. Hispanic Authors IV. National Hispanic Organizations V. Listing of Supporters (To list your business, your name, or purchase ads, click image)


Table of Contents I. Forward II. Listing of Hispanic Businesses III. Hispanic Authors IV. National Hispanic Organizations V. Listing of Supporters (To list your business, your name, or purchase ads, click image)